My MBA costs $120,000. Let that sink in. How long to pay off MBA debt depended on implementing my 6 step debt…
Episode 11: How I landed my first freelance clients – The Worth Project
by adminby adminYou can download this episode from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below! In the last episode about my student…
How We Easily Doubled Our Savings While Living More – The Worth Project
by adminby adminAfter a quick search, I came across the automatic savings plan. The gist of it is that at the beginning of each…
Where Should You Keep Money That You Don't Want to Invest? – The Worth Project
by adminby adminWhen Jordan and I started seriously saving for a house, we had a question: what do we do with that cash? We…
One of the best things you can do for your money is to create multiple income streams. Creating multiple income streams can…
Episode 1: How we answered “what are we doing with our lives?” – The Worth Project
by adminby adminI used to have an unhelpful habit of asking (repeatedly), “what am I doing with my life?” I felt like I should…
How Long Does it Take to Buy a House? The Entire Process – The Worth Project
by adminby adminPeople always ask us “How long does it take to buy a house?” Truthfully, there’s really no set time. With our first…
The Two Things We Always Do to Get Cheaper Flights – The Worth Project
by adminby adminIn case you weren’t convinced by our enthusiasm on the podcast this week, Jordan and I love to travel. After visiting over…
Refinancing your student loans can be a smart maneuver. Refinancing can reduce your monthly payments with a lower student loan rate, leading to…
Millennial Investing: The Ultimate Starter Guide – The Worth Project
by adminby adminMillennials are the most educated generation in history. Our student loans attest to that achievement. Perhaps student loan debt is the reason…